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Thursday playlist

Morning all. So, here's a thought

The idea with the daily playlists is to be current, really current. Sometimes you read - especially in the jazzphobic curated music sections of most big UK and Irish newspapers when they are actually properly curated that is, which is rare - things like ''where's the great new jazz today - nobody does it any more?'' Erase such warped thinking from your mind. As a jazz lover you probably long since have. Papers should be doing on their online editions daily jazz blogs, playlists and so on to care for their big niche interest groups like jazz but they don't. That's why that certain chunk of the readership who care enough have deserted the review sections of the Guardian, Times, Irish Times, Indo in droves - because there isn't enough of the meaty content there that we are looking for either online or in print. But enough torpor. For now. That's why perhaps you come here searching for an alternative.

Among today's 10 we'd like to highlight the Tom Harrell track Miramar' and share above some details run on Facebook by issuing label HighNote about Alternate Summer from which the track is drawn.

Thanks for reading. Happy listening. Keep in touch as marlbank moves on with fresh ideas and a new look.


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