Out on the Pi label 'Rapacious' by Matt Mitchell - well known for his history making work with alto sax avant heavyweight Tim Berne on such stormers as the Snakeoil-tastic You've Been Watching Me - shows how you can be hip and swing in a lopingly jagged non-standard way and still make it count. Drawn from compelling radical avant piano trio album Zealous Angles just issued, Mitchell isn't as uncompromisingly experimental hereabouts as he is on Snark Horse (probably some of the US pianist Mitchell's most outré offerings) the track instead is partly like an overheard conversation with drummer Dan Weiss whose own track 'Bu' from Even Odds featuring Mitchell and Puerto Rican trailblazer Miguel Zenón is a previous track of the week in these pages.
Everyone is doing ''the overhearing''. 'Rapacious' is an agreeably full-on greed is good for once listen where bassist Chris Tordini is doing the authorised eavesdropping to extend the metaphor. His reaction is to push the others on. And there is an invigorating whole draught of energy to what he chips in and then responds to. But go on: try to find ''the one'' when clambering around attempting to figure out the beat. Ah, it's not that kind of approach at all. So acclimatise if your usual listening is more a genteel orgy of cocktail-tinkling down the nearest house of tippler where the musical equivalent of the vin du jour is usually a scatter cushion of ii-V-I patchworks reassuring for all in attendance who reliably come over all misty at the first downbeat. What isn't at all a waste is to head bob along to this rigorous work-out. You'll be doing just that - surely - without even thinking about it.