Daily jazz blog, Marlbank

'Gullregn' introduces a new trio album from fine Norwegian pianist Liv Andrea Hauge

Slim pickings at the moment for brand new jazz but searching far and wide we do recommend this track 'Gullregn' released by the Hubro label drawn from Liv Andrea Hauge Trio's first studio album, Ville Blomster (meaning ''Wild Flowers'') - the …

Published: 11 Jan 2024. Updated: 6 months.


Slim pickings at the moment for brand new jazz but searching far and wide we do recommend this track 'Gullregn' released by the Hubro label drawn from Liv Andrea Hauge Trio's first studio album, Ville Blomster (meaning ''Wild Flowers'') - the album is out in February. Landing in the 1970s Keith Jarrett mould Hauge (b.1995) is Oslo-based, originally from Nordland, and is here with bassist Georgia Wartel Collins and drummer August Glännestrand. A charming highly melodic sound that is definitely worth your time. Liv Andrea Hauge, photo: via Bandcamp


Theo May's Odd Unit, Alive in the Forest of Odd, Discus Music ***1/2

Violinist Theo May says that his original music for Odd Unit is ''a rich weave of the jazz, folk and classical music which has always surrounded and inspired me'' so it's a pretty broad brushstroke. What's here comes over to these ears more folk …

Published: 10 Jan 2024. Updated: 6 months.

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Violinist Theo May says that his original music for Odd Unit is ''a rich weave of the jazz, folk and classical music which has always surrounded and inspired me'' so it's a pretty broad brushstroke. What's here comes over to these ears more folk than anything but pretty appealing it is too - there's plenty of feverish expression and a feeling of letting go on a piece such as the 'Joy of Nine'. With May are bass clarinettist Gustavo Clayton Marucci, who proves particularly effective on 'Under the Earth', pianist William Bracken, bassist Ali Watson and drummer Alex Temple Heald. Highlights include May's beautiful soloing on 'The Ballad of Acceptance.' The album is launched with a gig tonight at the Kings Arms in Malmesbury