Harry Belafonte in today's New York Times

If you only read one article today on the American elections let it be by Harry Belafonte in today's New York Times. 'In his ignorance or his indifference, or perhaps in his contempt, Mr. Trump does not seem to understand the difference between …

Published: 3 Nov 2020. Updated: 3 years.

If you only read one article today on the American elections let it be by Harry Belafonte in today's New York Times.

'In his ignorance or his indifference, or perhaps in his contempt, Mr. Trump does not seem to understand the difference between promises made and promises kept. Another Republican president, Ulysses S. Grant, first suppressed the Klan 150 years ago (and notable by its absence is any Trump promise to suppress the right-wing “militias” of Michigan, the Proud Boys or any of the others). The United States — finally, belatedly — made lynching a federal crime in the civil rights era, almost 60 years ago. Peaceful neighborhoods with affordable homes, good schools, a police force interested in protecting its citizens instead of treating them as an occupied people; safety from domestic terrorists and mob violence, economic opportunity, the celebration of our heritage, and impartial and merciful treatment under the law — these are the rights that most white people in America have long taken for granted, not some sort of concession to be offered as if we were indeed another nation.' Read the full article.


Gwen & Tiana live album announced for 2021 to build on their earlier debut

African Time, Live in Switzerland by vocal duo Gwen & Tiana is to be released on 29 January 2021. Gwen Thomas and Tiana Ewane both studied at music college in France, later beginning a collaboration with guitarist Femi Temowo. Issuing label is …

Published: 3 Nov 2020. Updated: 3 years.

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African Time, Live in Switzerland by vocal duo Gwen & Tiana is to be released on 29 January 2021. Gwen Thomas and Tiana Ewane both studied at music college in France, later beginning a collaboration with guitarist Femi Temowo. Issuing label is Ubuntu who last year released the duo's debut, African Time. Tiana Ewane, above