Daily jazz blog, Marlbank

Roots streams

Things may be looking up. At least more than a bit. Oh come on. No really because Snowpoet have a new album Wait for Me (Edition) out on 19 February 2021. It may be the lifejacket we all need. Snowpoet habitually manage to harness the trick of …

Published: 26 Dec 2020. Updated: 3 years.

Things may be looking up. At least more than a bit. Oh come on. No really because Snowpoet have a new album Wait for Me (Edition) out on 19 February 2021. It may be the lifejacket we all need. Snowpoet habitually manage to harness the trick of following an avant garde method yet land in an accessible almost suspiciously melodic space preloaded with a certain antisentimental vaccine that rarely comes as standard. Coloured above all by the extraordinarily poetic voice of Lauren Kinsella and the deft coating of the ensemble sound in an organic electronic wash that has a mystical magic to it Snowpoet sound like no other. 'Roots' is streaming ahead of release and listening to it as an indicator is more than enough to run away with all of the above thoughts in anticipation of hearing the full album next year. Lyrics are by Lauren Kinsella, all music by Snowpoet (collective personnel Kinsella, voice; Chris Hyson, piano, synths; Matthew Robinson, piano, synths; Josh Arcoleo, saxophone; Dave Hamblett, drums; plus guests Lloyd Haines, drums on 1 track; Alex Haines, guitar; Alice Zawadzki, violin). Lauren Kinsella top left and Chris Hyson. Photo: Edition


Jazzkeller guiding light down the decades Eugen Hahn has died

Eugen Hahn, who has died aged 79, ran one of Europe's most significant jazz clubs, the Jazzkeller in Frankfurt for more than three decades. At the club he organised more than 200 concerts per year. Hahn, a former bassist, grew up in Eberswalde in …

Published: 26 Dec 2020. Updated: 3 years.

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Eugen Hahn, who has died aged 79, ran one of Europe's most significant jazz clubs, the Jazzkeller in Frankfurt for more than three decades. At the club he organised more than 200 concerts per year.

Hahn, a former bassist, grew up in Eberswalde in what was then East Germany. He emigrated to West Germany in the early-1980s and in 1986 he and his wife took over the Jazzkeller, a club that had been founded by Carlo Bohländer in 1952.

Paying tribute on social media the HR big band/Frankfurt radio big band official account noted his passing and expressed condolences: "'Eugen…oh no…that's too sad'. The first thought that came to our manager, Olaf Stötzler, at the news of Eugen Hahn's death. That deeply expresses the feelings for many of us in this moment. The Jazzkeller is a Frankfurt institution and Eugen kept it alive, was a friend and supporter of so many, including our musicians. We mourn the loss of a tireless engine of the jazz scene and a close friend.''

Further reading: a tribute by former Jazzkeller house bassist Jonas Lohse. Photo: Jazzkeller