Daily jazz blog, Marlbank

Snakeoil shift label

Departing long-time recording home ECM for the Intakt label, a coup for the consistently excellent Swiss indie, kicking off their tenure with ''The Fantastic Mrs.10'' – here's the cover of the upcoming Snakeoil album that trousers a Valentine's day …

Published: 17 Jan 2020. Updated: 4 years.

Departing long-time recording home ECM for the Intakt label, a coup for the consistently excellent Swiss indie, kicking off their tenure with ''The Fantastic Mrs.10'' – here's the cover of the upcoming Snakeoil album that trousers a Valentine's day release next month. Ain't that romantic?

Cult guitarist Marc Ducret joins old muckers alto sax great Tim Berne, Matt Mitchell, Oscar Noriega and Ches Smith this time around.

Tunes are largely Berne's plus there is a treatment of, by a hero and mentor of his: Julius Hemphill, in the inclusion of 'Dear Friend'. Arcane drum trivia fact, Smith besides drums, vibes and glock makes use of the unusual barrel drum, the Haitian tanbou, it is practically compulsory to relate.


Amsterdam to host Jazz Now!

Jazz Now is a four-day multi-disciplinary conference in Amsterdam that the organisers say brings together ''leading researchers across the arts and humanities. The event will feature academic papers, panels, roundtables, and poster sessions.'' The …

Published: 17 Jan 2020. Updated: 4 years.

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Jazz Now is a four-day multi-disciplinary conference in Amsterdam that the organisers say brings together ''leading researchers across the arts and humanities. The event will feature academic papers, panels, roundtables, and poster sessions.''

The conference is calling for papers themed around:

Environment and sustainability ''In which ways do current jazz practices pose short and long-term threats to the environment?'' the organisers ask.

Jazz Now? ''Student numbers both in academic programmes and vocational programmes seem out of balance with the marketplace. Does that affect the relevance of these programmes?''

Populism ''We invite papers that explore issues of music and populism, the relation of jazz to democracy, struggles over the people versus ‘the elites’, and the potential for jazz performers and enthusiasts to engage with new forms of activism and social movements.''

Jazz Now, and then Exploring possible meanings of jazz now. ''Is jazz now an inherently ahistorical position, a celebration of the improvisatory moment?''

Lummy. The deadline for proposals is 1 February. The conference takes place at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam in the Netherlands and will be held from 27-30 August. Keynote speakers announced are Lucas Dols of the Sounds of Change Foundation and Professor Charles Hersch of Cleveland State University. See the Rhythm Changes website for further details.