Daily jazz blog, Marlbank

Top in 20 Best from South America: Dino Saluzzi, Albores, ECM

Top and best jazz album from South America in 2020 is by Dino Saluzzi whose sublime Albores was released by ECM. Jorge Luis Borges in his poem 'Music Box,' contemplating the music of Japan, decides 'When I hear it play/I am. I want to be. I bleed …

Published: 27 Nov 2020. Updated: 3 years.

Top and best jazz album from South America in 2020 is by Dino Saluzzi whose sublime Albores was released by ECM. Jorge Luis Borges in his poem 'Music Box,' contemplating the music of Japan, decides 'When I hear it play/I am. I want to be. I bleed away.' Listening to Albores regardless of geography that sense of flesh and bone but also retreat and a disappearance into the soul of things is very real. Bandoneón great, Borges' fellow Argentinian, Dino Saluzzi, now 85, in this very moving recording made between February and June 2019 in the Saluzzi studio in Buenos Aires, presents his first solo collection in more than 30 years, work that in its entirety leaps as if from music to the hymn and realm of poetry itself. All Saluzzi compositions, linger long, delve deep into 'Adios Maestro Kancheli,' 'Ausencias,' 'Segun Me Cuenta La Vida/Milonga,' 'Íntimo,' 'La Cruz del Sur (2da cadencia),' 'Ecuyere,' 'Ficcion,' 'Don Caye/Variaciones sobre obra de Cayetano Saluzzi' and 'Ofrenda/Tocata'. Do and gain a sense of wonder.

marlbank albums of the year will be published on Thursday 31 December round midnight



In a year, when dance the greatest of all the performing arts became taboo, of disaster: nevertheless top and best beyond however mindful of all notions of necessary resilience, in vibes and percussion on Spirits of Absent Dancers there is a …

Published: 27 Nov 2020. Updated: 3 years.

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In a year, when dance the greatest of all the performing arts became taboo, of disaster: nevertheless top and best beyond however mindful of all notions of necessary resilience, in vibes and percussion on Spirits of Absent Dancers there is a benevolent aura surrounding some of the more reverberant sounds of which you get quite a few on this unusual album, just solo vibes and percussion. It is not austere but instead achieves a deft balance in its array of bells, drums and vibes bathing in warmth and producing a certain tenderness and spiritual sound. The album feels as if it is populated by a host of musicians and not just one. Pyne works in jazz, improvised music and contemporary dance, leading his own trio, Busnoys, and collaborating over the years with such luminaries as Stan Sulzmann. His inspiration here is dance and he says that during Lockdown ''I found myself imagining a lone musician in a deserted theatre, like a kind of medicine man, throwing sounds into the space in an attempt to conjure up the ghosts of dancers no longer present, to breathe movement into stillness. I set about creating a sequence of music based around this idea, and ended up with this set of nineteen largely improvised short pieces.'' A neat conceit that works remarkably well.

marlbank albums of the year will be published on Thursday 31 December round midnight