Daily jazz blog, Marlbank

Track of the week: Gaz Hughes trio, The Message

Lots of touring ahead for the Gaz Hughes trio by the look of it - the retro drummer who plays in the Art Blakey mould has a new album about to released. Entitled Nuclear Bebopalypse this is north of England player Gaz' third trio album and …

Published: 9 Jan 2024. Updated: 6 months.


Lots of touring ahead for the Gaz Hughes trio by the look of it - the retro drummer who plays in the Art Blakey mould has a new album about to released. Entitled Nuclear Bebopalypse this is north of England player Gaz' third trio album and features 1950s-soaked originals written in the mould of the time with Hughes alongside pianist Andrzej Baranek and bassist Gavin Barras to be released on 2 February. The sprightly opener 'The Message' is our track of the week.

Dates include Tallulah's, New Brighton on 25 Jan; the Railway, Stockport, 28 Jan; Southport Jazz Festival, 3 Feb - with lots more dates listed on Hughes' website


Lothar Ohlmeier / Rudi Fischerlehner / Isambard Khroustaliov, In The Gloaming, Not Applicable ***

Very much a left field avant choice to start the new week of listening to freely improvised electroacoustic sounds from a trio who offer new insights, a world away from any defined genre. Recorded in a former cinema turned recording studio in …

Published: 8 Jan 2024. Updated: 6 months.

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Very much a left field avant choice to start the new week of listening to freely improvised electroacoustic sounds from a trio who offer new insights, a world away from any defined genre. Recorded in a former cinema turned recording studio in East Berlin, the three play things down on opener 'Husks' - you get brittle intersections between the old world solidity of Lothar Ohlmeier’s bass clarinet and the unearthly explorations of Isambard Khroustaliov’s electronics while the role for Rudi Fischerlehner’s drumming is even more painterly, a scuffling, scribbling beat-free domain that the Austrian creates around him. Overall you derive the feeling of three players who are looking at the inner workings of what makes them tick. And their deconstruction of a range of fragile sounds finds an array of mindful outcomes that works on a fundamental level.

Out on 16 February. 'Husks' from the album is streaming

l-r: Lothar Ohlmeier, Isambard Khroustaliov (Sam Britton), Rudi Fischerlehner. Photo: press