Daily jazz blog, Marlbank

Mary Coughlan, Life Stories, Hail Mary records

There's nothing fake or commodified about Mary Coughlan. She tells it like it is and this fine collection has a typically rough and ready blues and jazz soaked wrapping that suits her style well. The Galway-born singer has an intimate way about her …

Published: 4 Sep 2020. Updated: 3 years.

There's nothing fake or commodified about Mary Coughlan. She tells it like it is and this fine collection has a typically rough and ready blues and jazz soaked wrapping that suits her style well. The Galway-born singer has an intimate way about her and these home truths bypass the cabaret niceties of singers who like the idea of singing the blues or some such but really are only playacting. Even when strings amplify the effect on 'Family Life' there is nothing plastic about her approach. When jazz clubs return to normal you'd hope they'd be on the phone straight away to book Coughlan given the quality of the tracks here. Her sense of reality suits the present time more than most.


Berne to run

A flurry of releases is the order of the day in 2020 for the great alto saxophonist Tim Berne with plenty to satisfy long time fans - see here and here. And there's still more to come with his band Snakeoil set to release The Deceptive Four next …

Published: 4 Sep 2020. Updated: 3 years.

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A flurry of releases is the order of the day in 2020 for the great alto saxophonist Tim Berne with plenty to satisfy long time fans - see here and here. And there's still more to come with his band Snakeoil set to release The Deceptive Four next month, a double disc live album the recordings dating back to 2009-2010 and 2017. Check out 'Scanners' streaming ahead of release.