Daily jazz blog, Marlbank

Kornstad's inner Caruso captivates

Need some emotional rescue? A tenor saxophonist and an operatic tenor, two halves of the same coin, that's a sentence fingers on a computer keyboard don't often find their way to type, may provide a lifebelt. And yet there it is, the tenor of it …

Published: 30 Jun 2021. Updated: 2 years.


Need some emotional rescue? A tenor saxophonist and an operatic tenor, two halves of the same coin, that's a sentence fingers on a computer keyboard don't often find their way to type, may provide a lifebelt.

And yet there it is, the tenor of it all, in a capsule, what the main action revolves around on the glorious 'For You Alone' a new single from that Norwegian tenor with a difference Håkon Kornstad who is with accordionist, the super subtle and deftly lush, Frode Haltli and not to be outdone decorously leaving footprints in the sand behind him double bassist Mats Eilertsen on the title track of their latest album.

The three play in their own knowing instrumental counterpoint initially and Kornstad gradually becomes more tender, then accordion solo lines fan out and suddenly it's like Caruso is in the room and the P. J. O'Reilly-Henry E. Geehl aria from the early-20th century is transformed into something much closer to its own idiom. Suddenly at 3 minutes and four seconds the strains of the second verse of the song Take thou this heart/The heart that loves thee well invade the air and send us time travelling to the quaintness of the historic and plucks a certain magic from the invisible ether.

Kornstad on his website gives a little gloss explaining that the trio began in 2016 and mentions the trio's 2018 album Im Treibhaus. This remarkable and touching new recording was made in September last year in an Oslo studio.

On Jazzland

Photo: Wikipedia


New signing Joel Lyssarides continues a ''strong'' tradition, says Siggi Loch

''I see Joel Lyssarides in the strong tradition of his great compatriots Jan Johansson, Bobo Stenson, Esbjörn Svensson and Jan Lundgren,'' says Siggi Loch of ACT Records who have just signed the pianist. You may know the Swede from the beautiful …

Published: 30 Jun 2021. Updated: 3 years.

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''I see Joel Lyssarides in the strong tradition of his great compatriots Jan Johansson, Bobo Stenson, Esbjörn Svensson and Jan Lundgren,'' says Siggi Loch of ACT Records who have just signed the pianist.

You may know the Swede from the beautiful touch he displayed on Dreamer (Prophone, 2018)

Or perhaps pick up the achingly rhapsodic A Better Place from a year later. Regardless there's more to come as his career trajectory profile ascends and time to absorb this remarkable player when the next phase of his career begins. Born in 1992 Lyssarides was educated at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm and in Rome and is of Swedish and Greek lineage. His influences include Chick Corea, Keith Jarrett and Gonzalo Rubalcaba. The label, globally known for championing e.s.t., indicate that Lyssarides and his trio will record a studio album later in 2021.

Andreas Brandis of ACT/Tambour, above left, Joel Lyssarides, Siggi Loch, ACT